Cho các cặp tia Oa và Ob, Oc và Od là các cặp tia đối nhau


Với Giải SBT Toán 7 trang 103 Tập 1 trong Bài 1: Góc ở vị trí đặc biệt bài tập Toán lớp 7 Tập 1 Cánh diều hay nhất, chi tiết sẽ giúp học sinh dễ dàng làm bài tập trong SBT Toán 7 trang 103.

Cho các cặp tia Oa  Ob, Oc  Od là các cặp tia đối nhau

Bài 2 trang 103 sách bài tập Toán 7: Cho các cặp tia Oa  Ob, Oc  Od là các cặp tia đối nhau. Tìm số đo mỗi góc aOc, bOc, bOd, aOd trong mỗi trường hợp sau:

a) stack a O c with hat on top equals 75 to the power of ring operator;                                                 b) stack a O c with hat on top plus stack b O d with hat on top equals 140 to the power of ring operator;

c) stack a O c with hat on top plus stack b O d with hat on top equals stack b O c with hat on top plus stack a O d with hat on top;                            d) stack b O c with hat on top minus stack a O c with hat on top equals 10 to the power of ring operator;

e) stack b O c with hat on top equals 2 stack a O c with hat on top.

Lời giải:

a) stack a O c with hat on top equals stack b O d with hat on top equals 75 to the power of ring operator (đối đỉnh);  stack b O c with hat on top equals stack a O d with hat on top equals 180 to the power of ring operator minus 75 to the power of ring operator equals 105 to the power of ring operator (hai góc aOc và bOd bù nhau).                              

b) stack a O c with hat on top plus stack b O d with hat on top equals 140 to the power of ring operator not stretchy rightwards arrow stack a O c with hat on top equals stack b O d with hat on top equals 140 to the power of ring operator colon 2 equals 70 to the power of ring operatorstack b O c with hat on top equals stack a O d with hat on top equals 180 to the power of ring operator minus 70 to the power of ring operator equals 110 to the power of ring operator.


      table attributes columnalign left columnspacing 1em rowspacing 4 pt end attributes row cell stack a O c with hat on top plus stack b O d with hat on top equals stack b O c with hat on top plus stack a O d with hat on top not stretchy rightwards arrow 2 stack a O c with hat on top equals 2 stack b O c with hat on top end cell row cell not stretchy rightwards arrow stack a O c with hat on top equals stack b O d with hat on top equals 180 to the power of ring operator colon 2 to the power of ring operator equals 90 to the power of ring operator end cell row cell not stretchy rightwards arrow stack a O c with hat on top equals stack b O d with hat on top equals stack b O c with hat on top equals stack a O d with hat on top equals 90 end cell end table;                        


      Error converting from MathML to accessible text.;


 Error converting from MathML to accessible text.

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